Membership Update
Record Scores
Lane Certification
Average Book
Hall of Fame
Membership (2015-2016)
- This year's tournament schedule has been updated - check out the Tournaments page
- Submit all award requests and record scores to Connie Hannah - use the online form here
Record Scores
- Please submit all of your record scores throughout the season
- Record scores are awarded to the high scores for each year, even if they do not break existing record scores
Lane Certification
- All Lane certifications have been completed and submitted to the O5 office
- Stay tuned for information on upcoming Community Coaching and Intro to Competition courses
Average Book
- Average books have been published online this year - please send any feedback to Kevin Jepson
Hall of Fame
- Hall of Fame Dinner and Dance will be held on Friday, March 9, 2018
- We have a few fundraising events planned for this year. As details are finalized, we will send out notification via our newsletter, Facebook and this website.
- If you have any fundraising ideas, or would like to participate, please contact any member of the board
- October newsletter has been published here
Membership (2015-2016)
- 625 members (25 more than last year) - one new league joined this year - Bottoms Up league at Skyview Lanes
- 163 tournament members
- 205 regular members
- 215 SOO members
- 3 YBC members
- 1 YBC graduate
- 38 duplicate members
- 17 member leagues and 4 individual members